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Activity Details (ID# 11805)

Title: Seminar on media regulation and self-regulation 
Status: Completed 
Date: 06/06/2005 - 07/06/2005 
Countries: Montenegro, Serbia
Programme: Joint Programme EC/CoE  - Second Joint Initiative EAR-CoE in the Legal Media Field (Montenegro)
Working Method: Organisation of meetings - Seminar 
Location: Budva, Montenegro
CoE Contact: DERVISAGIC, Lejla email
Partners: CoE Office in Podgorica - Other 
Web Pages: 1 Agenda  
Last Modified: 17/06/2005 

Activity Synopsis


The objectives of the seminar were:
- to discuss with journalists and editors the responsibility of the press to the public and the benefits of self-regulation and its limits,
- to have a panel discussion on the right to reply, the right to privacy, protection of human dignity and coverage of judicial proceedings
- to compare the existing Montenegrin instruments on regulation and self-regulation
- to discuss the future of the Montenegrin self-regulation


The participants received the Council of Europe documents related to the subjects of discussions translated into their language as well as the Montenegrin Code of Ethics for Journalists and the Broadcasting and Media laws.

The content and quality of discussions was very good, unfortunately attendance was not as expected. However, the timing and topics of the seminar were very well chosen: the new coordinator of the Regulatory body for the Implementation of the Code of Ethics for Journalists was recently nominated and this seminar was a good opportunity to discuss the experience of other European countries. National experts and participants claimed that the low attendance was a reflection of Montenegrin media reality: it is very difficult to motivate the Montenegrin journalists, editors and other media professionals and to explain the importance of self-regulation and self-regulatory mechanisms. The Council of Europe experts stated that in other European countries too, journalists think that self-regulation should be done by somebody else. The national experts stressed that a large number of Montenegrin journalists are not very professional and there are many violations of the Code of Ethics: the journalists look for sensational stories to increase circulation and they do not pay much attention to ethical rules. (Statistics shows that 60% of Montenegrin journalists have no university background). On the other hand, opinion polls by the Montenegrin Media Institute show that 38% of the Montenegrin population is ready to excuse the newspapers which they normally read if they publish false information about someone (especially if this person is unpopular). This situation might encourage journalists to continue to be unprofessional.

During the discussions the participants stressed a need to show more solidarity. They were interested to learn how journalists are organised in other countries, what kind of self-regulation they have, etc.
The Council of Europe experts talked about press councils and other similar bodies in other countries (especially in the countries from the region: Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina).

After the seminar the Council of Europe experts and the representative of the Media Division of the Council of Europe gave interviews to journalists from radio and various newspapers. The articles in the news papers were a good opportunity to promote discussion of these very important issues even after the seminar.

Conclusions/Follow Up:

The general conclusion was that the existing Montenegrin legislation concerning the media is in compliance with European standards and gives a large amount of freedom and protection to journalists. Nevertheless, the Montenegrin Code of Ethics for journalists (signed by 5 journalists associations and 2 trade unions 2 years ago) is very often violated.

Concerning the future, a certain number of participants were very negative and pessimistic because of a variety of problems (lack of educated journalists, lack of solidarity between journalists, difficulty to obtain information from officials, etc). They thought that only the influence of international organisations through the conventions, recommendations and reports can lead to change. On the other hand, the others were more positive and more confident. The journalists present represent a new generation that is conscious of all these problems and wants to change the situation.

Also the fact that only one year after the ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) was directly applied by one of the Montenegrin judges in Podgorica in a case concerning defamation (other judgements followed this one), gives hope that similar positive examples will come from the journalist side concerning respect of the Code of Ethics. The judge in question participated in a Council of Europe seminar on Article 10 of the ECHR organised for judges and it shows the positive impact and importance of this kind of activity.


Media professionals 


Ms Montserrat ENRICH MAS, Head of the Research Division, European Court of Human Rights
Mr Ronan BRADY, Journalist (Ireland)
Mr Ranko VUJOVIC, Executive Director, Association of the Independent Electronic Media of Montenegro
Mr Branko VOJICIC, Coordinator of the Regulatory body for the Implementation of the Code of Ethics for Journalists

CoE Secretariat:

Ms Slobodanka KARISIK, Adviser, Council of Europe Office in Podgorica
Lejla DERVISAGIC, Media Division, Directorate General of Human Rights

Total No. Participants: 15 
Last Modified: 08/07/2005 
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