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Activity Details (ID# 12746)

Title: Workshop for public information officers 
Status: Completed 
Date: 28/06/2006 - 29/06/2006 
Countries: Azerbaijan
Programme: Joint Programme EC/CoE  - Ukraine and South Caucasus States- Promoting the democratic process
Project:    2 - Azerbaijan
Specific Objective: 2.1 - Media Action Plan for Azerbaijan (Creating a legal and regulatory framework for independent broad...
Working Method: Training Course 
Location: Nabran, Azerbaijan
CoE Contact: KLOPFER, Franziska email
Partners: Office of the President of Azerbaijan - National Institution 
Web Pages: 1  
Last Modified: 04/07/2006 

Activity Synopsis


The meeting aimed to train public information officers in communication techniques in order to allow them to work in a more open and transparent manner. 


During the seminar the participants discussed ways of improving their communication with the public. One major problem identified by the participants was what they consider insufficient or false reporting of their work by the media.

In response, the Council of Europe expert reminded the participants of other ways of communicating with the public by including everybody involved in the policy process: the public, interest groups, trade services and industry, public administration as well as mass media.

The participants also discussed the functions of the public information officer in a democratic society and his/her obligations towards the public. Another important point that was stressed all through the seminar was that the officer should not only respond to requests for information but should also actively disseminate it and in a way that it becomes accessible and interesting for the public.

Finally, strategies of communication within a ministry and between ministries and the need for coordination were debated.

Conclusions/Follow Up:

During the seminar two working groups (Group A and B) drew up the following recommendations for public information officers in Azerbaijan:

Group A recommends that:

Public information officers
1. are aware of all activities of their ministry
2. are informed about the main activities going on in their ministry
3. should not only target the media but also other stakeholders, such as interest groups etc
4. never issue false information
5. have closer links with society and undertake joint activities

The head of the press department
6. is able to answer all questions on the work of the ministry. He/she therefore has to be in close contact with the minister
7. knows about major social processes and informs the minister about them.

The Public information department should
8. foster the strong intellectual potential of their staff
9. define the status of its service and be aware that it is a mirror of the whole organisation
10. improve its structure and its personnel
11. foster a closer relationship with other departments of the ministry

Group B
Guidelines for a public information department

The main duties of a public information department are to:
- give official statements;
- publish information about general achievements of the ministry and the executive body;
- analyse articles in the media about the ministry;
- rectify false information published in the media;
- publish informational magazines, newspapers;
- cooperate with other departments;
- exchange information with relevant offices of the ministry;
- keep staff informed about current investigations of journalists into the work of the ministry;
- inform about dates of important meetings;
- take part in seminars and conferences relevant to the work of the ministry.


Public information officers from different Azerbaijani ministries 


Mr Fred Gijbels, Director, Gijbels Communicatie & Advies 

CoE Secretariat:

Ms Franziska Klopfer, Media Division, DGII
Mr Ilgar Ibrahimli, Director, a.i. Information Office of the Council of Europe in Azerbaijan

Total No. Participants: 26 
Last Modified: 05/01/2007 
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