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   17 May 2024 CoE Activities - By Working Method

Activity Details (ID# 12657)

Title: Regional seminar for journalists from radio and television broadcasting on media coverage of elections 
Status: Completed 
Date: 01/03/2006 - 02/03/2006 
Countries: Ukraine
Programme: Joint Programme EC/CoE  - Ukraine and South Caucasus States- Promoting the democratic process
Project:    4 - Ukraine
Specific Objective: 4.1 - The Ukrainian laws and regulations concerning media are prepared and adopted in line with Europea...
Working Method: Organisation of meetings - Seminar 
Location: Donetsk, Ukraine
CoE Contact: DERVISAGIC, Lejla email
Partners: Information Office of the Council of Europe in Kyiv - CoE Information Office 
Web Pages: 1 Agenda  
Last Modified: 08/03/2006 

Activity Synopsis


The main objective of the seminar was to explain the legal European standards on the question of freedom of the press and freedom of expression and information, and to inform about professional tools concerning the coverage of democratic elections, taking into account the content of Recommendation No. (99) 15 of the Council of Europe on media coverage of election campaigns. 


Apart from the language problem the local partner was very helpful and attentive.

After a brief introduction of the local partner Donetsk Memorial and participants trainers presented a brief overview of the main activities of the Council of Europe in the field of mass media and media legislation in Ukraine.

First part of the programme was a lecture on the basic principles of covering elections with reference to the recommendation R (99) 15 of the committee of ministers of the Council of Europe. There were some questions, especially about the differences between the media situation in Western Europe and in Ukraine.

The trainers also gave an overview of the role and the development of the print media in Western Europe, based on the outcome of a recent review. Its position is gradually weakening because of the upcoming role of Internet as a source of information, although television by far is still nr. 1. It was interesting to discuss recent experiences and expectations from Ukraine.

Next presentation was on the way various print media reported on the outcome of the elections in Germany in 2005. Participants were asked to come up with their favourites, of course mainly based on lay out, photographs, graphics and headlines. There were various opinions, which gave a good opportunity for an interesting discussion.

Participants were asked if they had any personal experience in covering elections. Two of them shared their experiences with the rest of the lot. Again enough ammunition for a good discussion. To complete this part of the seminar trainers paid some attention to the way print media can prepare for elections and the election campaign.

After lunch the participants were presented with a complicated case on ethics in journalism and elections. Especially in a country like Ukraine where there still are a lot of strong ties between politics and mass media, it is important to discuss these matters.

After a break, in which trainers showed examples of political debates on television in Western Europe, participants got the assignment to come up with ideas for a new way of covering elections by print media. They were instructed to forget about formal rules and limitations in Ukraine. The should give priority to their creativity.

The results of the deliberations of the three groups were discussed next morning. They were very interesting and caused a lot of discussion. Trainers continued the session with a presentation about the world wide transformation in journalism from a one-side approach (only journalists decide on the content) to a more interactive attitude with a lot of attention for the needs and wishes of the citizens-clients-consumers. Also this item was extensively discussed between participants and trainers.

Conclusions/Follow Up:

As a follow-up to the first presentation, trainers challenged the participants with the question: ‘Why should anyone read a newspaper or a magazine on election affairs, while there is television and internet?’ The three groups that discussed this matter, came up with very interesting and intelligent answers. All of them were convinced there is a good future for the print media in their country.

The outcome showed these participants were really determined to improve the media situation in their country, which is still dominated by a strong political influence on all levels with a lot of biased reporting as a result. Based on the outcome of the last part of the program trainers made a presentation on ‘Black PR’ and how to deal with it.

After a long round of questions and answers the seminar was closed.


Professional journalists with some practical experience in covering elections or involved in the election campaign. 


Mr David van der Houwen, Streamline Consultancy, Netherlands
Mr Gie Meeuwis, journalism trainer, Belgium

CoE Secretariat:

Ms Lejla DERVISAGIC, Media Division, DG II 

Total No. Participants: 15 
Last Modified: 16/05/2006