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Activity Details (ID# 5005)

Title: Training seminar on new Internet strategies for independent media from South Eastern Europe 
Status: Completed 
Date: 05/06/2003 - 06/06/2003 
Countries: Romania, South-East Europe
Contributors: Italy - Financial
Programme: Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe 
Working Method: Organisation of meetings - Seminar 
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
CoE Contact: THORHALLSSON, Pall email
Partners: World Association of Newspapers - International NGO
Media Development Loan Fund - International NGO 
Web Pages: 1 Agenda  
Last Modified: 16/01/2004 

Activity Synopsis


The overall objectives of the workshop were to provide a practical and direct discussion through course leader presentation and participant working groups and assist media companies in determining their proper route to a successful strategy for their online editions. Specifically, a practical 'tool kit' was provided to web editors and business managers with steps to identifying and capitalising on each companies' core editorial proposition (brand) and techniques for improving work efficiency and workflow. 


The preparation for the activity, both by local partner and instructors was implemented efficiently and smoothly. Course leader presentations available upon request.

Discussions between instructors and participants (and between participants in working groups) were lively and frequent, many of them focusing on implementation issues regarding the provided 'tool kit' and issues related to the specific ex-Yugoslav online reality.

Some participants planned to cover the course in their web editions. Please see:

A written assessment was done by MDLF as well as written evaluations by all participants. Both are attached with this report.

Target group was reached by providing practical tools and knowledge that can be easily and quickly implemented in participants' media companies.

Some participants expressed that too much material was covered in too little time—a longer seminar would have allowed more in-depth consultations. 

Conclusions/Follow Up:

Through course leader presentations and working groups, participants arrived at new online strategies that could be immediately implemented at little or no cost in the newsroom. Specific strategies were developed for each individual media company present by capitalising on their 'brand' and focusing on their assets, keeping in mind at all times attracting new users and how to maintain loyal customers.

A follow-up evaluation and assessment is planned in three months times to see what strategies were implemented, their outcomes and what barriers participants faced when returning. There was much interest from participants for a follow-up in Spring 2004 to see what progress has been attained in their online editions.

A handbook and manual of the strategic tools developed at the workshop is being produced. 


Senior web editors and business managers from independent print/electronic media in Serbian and Montenegro, Macedonia. Participants represented mainstream media in Belgrade and Skopje as well as regional Serbian media from Svetlost and Smederovo 


Patrice Schneider/David Brewer 

CoE Secretariat:


Total No. Participants: 13 
Last Modified: 11/07/2003